The Ice ArenA aims to provide and safe and secure facility for all who are invited. For the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons, staff and event participants, the following Terms & Conditions apply to all of The Ice ArenA attendees.

The following Terms & Conditions apply to all users of the facilities and programs at The Ice Arena at 23 James Congdon Dr, Thebarton SA 5031. By entering The Ice Arena, you are deemed to have agreed to these Terms & Conditions with Oceania Ice Sports Pty Ltd TA The Ice ArenA.

Terms & Conditions may vary for specific events and activities – refer to the website, ticket information, event pages and management for more information.

The Ice ArenA may replace or vary these Terms & Conditions at any time and without notice.


The Ice ArenA’s mission is to be recognised as an iconic destination of entertainment, athleticism, and education, and to become a hub for professional Ice Sports in South Australia while simultaneously giving back to the greater community.

At the Ice ArenA, we are committed to creating a fun, safe space with a focus on entertainment, fitness and learning experiences for the greater South Australian community, and to support and develop Ice Sports within Australia.

To achieve our purpose a philosophy of community underlies everything we do in the way we interact with each other, and our community, to make sure that our business is respected for its entertainment, sports, professionalism, safety, and integrity.

Ice Sports are for Everyone


Everyone is welcome at the Ice ArenA

This means that regardless, you have just as much right to enjoy your experience as everyone else. The Ice ArenA expects all patrons to adhere to The Ice ArenA ‘Code of Conduct’ whilst in The Ice ArenA and external areas around The Ice ArenA. The Ice ArenA looks forward to providing an environment where everyone is welcome!


Everyone entering the Ice ArenA is expected to behave in a manner consistent with these expectations.

Everyone is treated in a consistent, professional, friendly and polite manner.
Everyone can enjoy their time at the Ice ArenA in a safe environment.
Everyone will respect the personal and professional rights of others.
Everyone will respect the property of The Ice ArenA and the property of others.

When attending The Ice ArenA you will:

  • Actively foster a family-friendly environment

  • Dress appropriately for the environment, it’s very cold inside, according to our Dress Code

  • Look after the facilities and equipment

  • Engage in the responsible consumption of alcohol

  • Refrain from fighting, violence, using items improperly (e.g. throwing), or any actions able to cause injury or nuisance.

  • Use appropriate language, without threatening, obscene or abusive content>

  • Refrain from using offensive or obscene gestures

  • Ensure clothing or other observable materials are free of obscene, discriminatory and/or indecent messages

  • Not enter restricted areas

  • Only access areas as per ticketing entitlements

  • Refrain from smoking inside the venue or near the entry doors

  • Comply with instructions from The Ice ArenA staff and other security personnel regarding venue operations and emergency response procedures

  • Expect The Ice ArenA Code of Conduct to be actively enforced.

  • Respect patrons and officials of all ages, regardless of team affiliation

  • Support your team with cheering, passion, and enthusiasm where appropriate

To report bad behaviour you can speak with the Duty Manager on shift. Alternatively, if you would like to raise your concerns above this, you can email us at reception.icearena@gmail.com


The Ice ArenA management reserves the right to refuse entry to any persons:

  • deemed to be intoxicated and / or disorderly

  • displaying signs of aggressive, abusive, or otherwise anti-social behaviour or persons who have previously displayed signs of anti-social behaviour

  • not holding a valid ticket or other form of entry pass

  • carrying items with the potential to cause injury or public nuisance (including but not limited to large flags, banners, air horns, clappers, cap guns etc.)

Patrons who fail to comply with these conditions of entry will be evicted from the venue

  • Respect the personal and professional rights of others.

  • Respect The Ice ArenA’s property and the property of others.

  • Conduct yourself in a positive and personable manner.

  • Respect that all users of The Ice ArenA have equal right and opportunity to do so.

  • As a minimum for general admission, patrons must be appropriately clothed for a public place and must wear shoes into the venue and skates on the ice. Patrons with bare feet will not be permitted entry.

  • The Ice ArenA reserves the right inspect / search bags if all persons who enter or exit the venue, regardless of size. This may include the touching of the outside of the bag and / or seeking assistance of the bag owner to remove items from the bag.

  • Persons gaining unauthorised access to Ice ArenA and / or the venue’s area may be liable for prosecution.

  • Patrons who cause a disturbance or refuse to comply with requests or follow instructions made by Ice ArenA staff will be evicted.

  • Pass-outs will issued at the discretion of the venue. Also refer to specific event conditions of entry.

  • Food, drinks and alcoholic beverages cannot be taken into or from the Ice ArenA by patrons.

  • Smoking inside or within 2.5 meters of the venue entry doors is not permitted.

  • Due to safety reasons, strollers and prams are not permitted into the grandstand.

  • Unauthorised soliciting and customer surveying is not permitted.

  • Customers are not permitted to throw any objects around or within the Ice ArenA seating areas.

  • No animals may be brought onto premises (except guide dogs and other assistance animals communicated to the Ice ArenA with prior confirmation where possible).

  • Cans, tins, metal containers, glass bottles and glass containers (metallic thermoses will be admitted on the condition that they are presented for the contents to be inspected at the request of any venue staff)

  • Alcoholic drinks.

  • Illicit drugs or prescription-based pharmaceuticals without being able to produce evidence of the prescription if requested by venue management.

  • Flares, fireworks, and laser pointers.

  • Knives or other dangerous weapons, including items that can be used as a weapon.

  • Professional standard still or video cameras, audio recording devices and tripods, and lenses with a total-focal strength of greater than 200mm. Some exclusions apply for Coaches in regards to recording their own students, speak with venue management for clarification.

  • Metal flags poles, extendable flag poles and or flag poles of more the 1.0 meters in length.

  • Loud hailers, megaphones, and musical instruments of any nature (including vuvuzelas, horns, whistles and drums). Specific conditions may apply for some events regarding the entry of musical instruments.

  • Confetti, rice, and shredded paper.

  • Chairs or stools.

  • Hard eskies of any size or type (including foam eskies).

  • Inflatable items including beach balls, receptacles, devices, or structures.

  • Miscellaneous sporting goods not applicable to ice sports e.g. balls, bats, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and the like.

  • Animals (except guide dogs and other assistance animals communicated to the Ice ArenA with prior confirmation where possible).

  • Clothing items or other materials that display commercial, political, religious, contentious, or other offensive signature or logos.

  • Bags or containers of larger dimension than 35cm in height, 20cm in width and 30cm in length, or too large to fit under seats. Excludes student/player equipment bags.

  • Any item of which the improper use of is reasonably considered by the Ice ArenA as being able to cause injury, nuisance or offence to any other person attending the venue. Any such item may be confiscated by the Ice ArenA if subsequently found on that person.

  • The Ice ArenA is not responsible for, and cannot be held liable by any person, for loss, theft or damage to any such restricted or prohibited items left by that person in or around the venue.


The Ice ArenA is a conditionally licensed premise and operates under a Temporary Events License. Restrictions apply. The Ice ArenA operates in accordance with the in-house alcohol management policy and all state laws.

  • Patrons are reminded when entering the Ice ArenA that:

    • it is an offence for a minor to purchase and/or consume liquor;

    • it is an offence to purchase liquor for, or supply liquor to, a minor; and

    • a person supplying liquor to a minor will be reported to police and penalties apply under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA).


Dress standards apply at the Ice ArenA and patrons will be denied entry or evicted from the Ice ArenA if they do not comply. It is the patron’s responsibility to observe the dress standards. Dress standards may vary depending on the event – see the event information for more details.


For general admission and where dress standards have not been specified, patrons are requested to, at minimum, be appropriately clothed for a public venue and:

  • footwear must be worn when entering the venue, you cannot come in barefoot;

  • skates must be worn on the ice at all times except for prescribed activities (e.g. Snow Play, Broomball);

  • long pants must be worn while skating, no shorts or skirts;

  • patrons must not wear or display items which bear offensive, racist, radical, fanatical, inflammatory, obscene, gang-related, derogatory or provocative slogans, signage or logos;

The Ice ArenA is a refrigerated venue therefore we do suggest everyone wears/brings:

  • warm long pants (we don’t suggest leggings as they are quite thin and so do not keep your legs warm and are prone to rip on the ice if you fall)

  • light top layers so you can add or remove as you move around or sit down to eat at the café

  • a warm coat

  • gloves

  • thick, long socks, that sit higher than your skates

  • beanies or woollen bands to keep your head and ears warm


Unless otherwise permitted by the event organiser or the Ice ArenA, the minimum standard of dress required for Ice ArenA Corporate & Special Events is a high standard of smart casual attire.

Gentlemen – Collared, sleeved shirts are required (designer t-shirts & polos are acceptable)
Ladies – Dresses and blouses may have thin straps

Any person wearing the following will not gain entry:

  • tank tops, singlet tops, and other casual tops

  • excessively ripped jeans

  • rubber thongs or ugg boots

  • football shorts or hotpants

  • excessively short skirts and dresses

  • stretch fabrics that are working too hard

  • athleisure including tracksuit pants and leggings

  • excessively tight clothing

  • beach wear (including board shorts)

  • hoodies (hooded jumpers/jackets)

  • <t-shirts

  • offensive slogans or messages

  • untidy or dirty clothing

The Ice ArenA reserves the right to refuse admission to any person, who in the opinion of an employee or agent of the Ice ArenA, is deemed to be inappropriately attired.


  • Patrons are admitted into the Ice ArenA at their own risk.

  • Some sporting and other activities are dangerous. Patrons viewing such activities do so at their own risk.

  • Patrons are required to take appropriate care for their hydration. The Ice ArenA may be cold but the cooling system is also dehydrating, please ensure you consume plenty of water.

  • Adults are responsible for minors under their supervision. Patrons who fail to properly supervise minors under their care will be evicted from the venue. Minors under the age of 12 must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

  • To ensure the safety of everyone on the ice, unauthorised entry to the ice rink during prescribed activities and games is prohibited to the general public.

  • Patrons must not enter any part of Ice ArenA that is restricted from public access.

  • First Aid personnel are onsite to provide patrons with medical assistance if required. Patrons requiring first aid assistance are to present to The Ice ArenA staff so a trained First Aid Officer may assess you. .

  • If an ambulance is required for medical treatment, the cost of such service will be at the patron’s expense.


  • Ice skating, the use of the ice skating rink and the use of ice skates are subject to risks. These include death, serious head, hand, wrist, knee and ankle injuries. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, The Ice ArenA strongly recommends seeking medical advice before participating in this activity.

  • By entering The Ice ArenA, both skaters and spectators agree that they have knowledge of, and assume the inherent risks of ice skating which include (but are not limited to) the following:

    • Collision or contact with other skaters/individuals on the ice.

    • Contact with objects/artificial structures that are within the skaters intended path of travel.

    • Wet flooring or floor coverings that have been moved out of position.

  • Ice Skating is not recommended for individuals, who have not expressly obtained professional medical advice prior to participating:

    • Pregnant women, particularly those in their second or third trimester.

    • Children under the age of 3 (we recommend our Snow Play sessions instead).

    • Any person with a heart condition.

    • Any person with an existing injury.

    • Any person who is a first-time skater, or has not skated for many years, and is over 55 years of age, due to an increased risk of injuries should you fall.

    • Any person weighing over 120kg and/or lacking a reasonable fitness level, due to an increased risk of injury.

  • The risk of injury can be reduced by attending The Ice ArenA’s Come & Try or Learn to Skate programs which covers the safety of Ice Skating, how to fall and get back up safely, and as well as many best practices.

  • Everyone entering the Ice ArenA The Ice ArenA reserves the right to close or restrict entry to the venue regardless of whether or not all ticket holders entitled to admission have gained admission to venue, if in the opinion of the Ice ArenA, the admission of further persons to Ice ArenA would or might endanger the safety of those persons who seek admission or have already been admitted.

  • Published opening times and prices may change without notice.

  • Concession patrons are required to produce their concession card to gain entry to Ice ArenA.

  • To be eligible for Family pass, each family member must reside at the same residential address.

  • The Ice ArenA may refuse entry to any patron who attempts to enter or re-enter Ice ArenA using a pass-out, but not in possession of their original entry ticket.

  • To the extent permitted by law, by entering Ice ArenA, each patron agrees that the Ice ArenA and their representatives, staff and associations, shall not be liable to that patron for any loss or damage, (including without limitation, loss or damage caused by the negligence of the Ice ArenA or its staff and associations, and incidental and consequential loss or damage), arising in any manner wholly or partly from or in connection with his or her use of Ice ArenA.

  • Littering is prohibited – patrons are requested to use waste receptacles located around and within Ice ArenA.

  • Any person found mistreating, tampering, defacing or damaging any part of Ice ArenA or the surrounds will be evicted from Ice ArenA and may face prosecution.

  • Patrons are requested to respect the parklands surrounding Ice ArenA and the neighbouring private homes, businesses and institutions by acting in an appropriate manner, not littering and not making excessive noise when exiting or entering Ice ArenA or associated car parks.


Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or vapes, is not permitted at Ice ArenA. Patrons will need to leave the venue to smoke and must not smoke in front of the entry doors. Smoking may only be conducted at a minimum of 2.5 meters from The Ice ArenA entry doors. Patrons who smoke in areas of The Ice ArenA other than the designated smoking areas or who fail to obey instructions from staff to stop smoking, may be immediately evicted from The Ice ArenA.

  • Alcohol must not be taken away from The Ice ArenA and cannot be consumed out the front of the venue.

  • Alcohol cannot be consumed while on the ice skating rinks.

  • The Ice ArenA encourages the safe, sensible and responsible consumption of alcohol by patrons. Patrons who are impaired or unruly due to intoxication consent to being treated by The Ice ArenA in a manner appropriate to their degree of impairment and therefore, to the extent permitted by law, indemnify The Ice ArenA from any losses, claims or proceedings suffered by The Ice ArenA as a result of such intoxication.


Patrons consent to the Ice ArenA and security officers, at any time, to inspect and search their person, bags, clothes or possessions regardless of size, including by means of handheld or fixed wands, scanners or detectors or pat-down. Patrons declining such search will be refused entry or evicted if already in the venue.

  • The Ice ArenA will not be held responsible for confiscated items (e.g. alcohol, unauthorised recording devices, objects that could be used as a weapon or considered a nuisance).

  • Patrons bringing personal items into Ice ArenA do so at their own risk. The Ice ArenA may not be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of a patron’s personal property.

  • Umbrellas may be brought into Ice ArenA but for the comfort and safety of others cannot be raised or opened at any time while inside Ice ArenA.

  • Glass of any kind may not be brought into the venue due to the inherent safety risks with ice surfaces. Glass cannot be easily seen on ice surfaces and therefore cannot be ensured to be completely cleaned up.

  • Any articles placed at the entrance to the admission doors to The Ice ArenA must not be left unattended. The Ice ArenA accepts no responsibility for personal articles and reserves the right to remove any such articles.

  • Persons found with a lost, stolen, counterfeit, damaged or unreadable ticket will be refused entry or evicted (depending on situation) from The Ice ArenA.

  • Prams and strollers are generally permitted within The Ice ArenA. However, due to space limitations and for the safety and enjoyment of all patrons, The Ice ArenA may from time to time, control the number of prams or strollers permitted within venue (restrictions apply for storage locations).

  • Lockers are provided to secure your valuables. Staff cannot take any responsibility for items left unattended, and are also unable to personally look after your belongings.

  • The Ice ArenA has a No Outside Food or Drink Policy. Items will be confiscated and may be collected by patrons from Reception as they exit the venue.

  • In the case of severe food allergies, please consult with The Ice ArenA management prior to your visit.

  • Birthday Cakes are permitted when brought in as part of a Birthday Party Package.

  • Water is exempt from this term. We encourage our visitors to stay hydrated, The Ice ArenA may be cold but gentle movement and the dehumidified environment are dehydrating.

  • Patrons must not interfere with, obstruct or hinder The Ice ArenA or any activity conducted on the ice rink, party room, café and bar areas, or its facilities.

  • Throwing objects (including onto the ice rink) is prohibited and will result in the patron responsible being evicted.

  • Patrons who cause a disturbance, are offensive, discriminatory, display anti-social behaviour, use foul or abusive language, make racial or threatening remarks or gestures, commit indecent exposure or refuse to comply with reasonable requests made by The Ice ArenA will be evicted and any membership or program registration will be suspended or cancelled with or without refund at the venue’s discretion.

  • Patrons must not climb over dasher (rink) boards or climb over or under or remove any barriers or ropes to section off the public for safety.

  • Patrons must not sell any goods or services or give away political, religious, advertising or promotional materials without the prior written consent of the Ice ArenA.

  • Patrons may not conduct public surveys or opinion polls or solicit money, donations or subscriptions from members of the public, without the prior written consent of the Ice ArenA.

  • The use of photographic, video or audio equipment for commercial purposes is not permitted within The Ice ArenA without the express permission of The Ice ArenA.

  • Cameras including mobile telephones with camera interfacing, must not be used in areas such as change rooms, parenting rooms and toilets.

  • Patrons may be filmed, recorded or photographed by official broadcasters or photographers and these images or recordings may be used without the consent of, or payment or provision of other compensation to, patrons for all manner of official broadcast or promotional purposes.

  • Please note 24-hour closed circuit television surveillance operates throughout The Ice ArenA

  • It is a condition of entry by The Ice ArenA or a third party nominated by them, that any photograph, film, tape or other images taken of you whilst at the venue will be taken for the purpose of, and may be used, to help promote Ice ArenA. Unless you reach a prior agreement with The Ice ArenA management to the contrary, your image may be published, broadcast, or otherwise distributed by the Ice ArenA or any third party authorised by it in any media (with or without identification) and in publications within as well as outside South Australia and you waive on an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual basis all rights to object to such broadcast or distribution any media.

  • The Ice ArenA will not be liable for any damages or injury, including any loss of profit or loss of data, caused by the product, service or any related content, including, but not limited to, any error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, failure of performance or computer virus. The Ice ArenA will not be liable for any damages or injury, including but not limited to, special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the content or equipment of the product or services, even if there is negligence by The Ice ArenA or if an authorised representative of The Ice ArenA parties has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or both. The Ice ArenA will not be liable for any damages or injury, including but not limited to, special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that may result from linking to any third-party website.

  • Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitation may not apply to certain users.

  • Our business uses contact forms and CRM software for customers to share information, products, and services. We may collect some information, including full name, email address, mobile, date of birth and gender. Contact information is stored on our internal system to respond to enquiries about our products and services and to provide information.

  • Those who engage in transactions with The Ice ArenA are asked to provide information, including the personal and financial information required to process those transactions. In each case, The Ice ArenA collects information that is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor’s interaction with The Ice Arena.

  • Information sent through our payment gateway is handled through a secure server, and no information is left on our server for any extended period of time.

  • The Ice ArenA does not disclose personal information to third-parties without the permission of the visitor.

  • Strict procedures are in force in our offices and systems to maintain the security of your information at all times.


  • Be courteous to other skaters on the ice.

  • If you collide with another skater, or your actions cause another skater to fall, please ensure you apologise and check to see if the other person is okay.

  • Announcements and direction of the staff must be obeyed at all times.

  • Skaters may not enter the ice until the ice resurfacer doors are closed. Skaters must leave the ice promptly at the end of a session before resurfacing begins.

  • Skating excessively fast, across or against the flow of skaters, or cutting in front of other skaters is prohibited

  • No digging or chipping holes in the ice surface with skates or any other instrument.

  • No throwing ice or snow unless in a Snow Play or Snow & Ice Session.

  • Carrying people, particularly young children, (e.g. piggy back style) while skating is not allowed, regardless of skill level.

  • Do not film or photograph any child (excluding a child that is their own) without the permission of the parents or guardians in attendance with the child.

  • Eating or drinking is not permitted on the ice.

  • Do not enter the ice without skates unless in a Snow Play or Snow & Ice Session.

  • No Stick & Puck play is allowed during the Public Skate session.

  • Ice Skating is performed at the skater’s own risk. It is the Skater’s responsibility to always maintain reasonable control of their speed whilst skating, and to skate within their skills, abilities and limitations. Please refer to the Safety and Assumption of Risk section of the General Terms & Conditions for more information.

  • Skate hire size allocation is on a first-come-first-serve basis. While The Ice ArenA has hundreds of skates for hire, with more duplicates in common sizes, we cannot guarantee your size will be available. We recommend arriving at the beginning of the session to avoid disappointment. Remember, not everyone stays for the full session so it is still possible to get a skate session in.

  • During evening sessions The Ice ArenA reserves the right to view the contents of bags prior to entry to prevent high risk of injury or anti-social behaviour associated with the consumption of alcohol.

  • All Skaters and Spectators are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct, Conditions of Entry, Dress Standards and the General Terms & Conditions.

  • Bookings must be made through the form on our website or via the form provided by emailing reception.icearena@gmail.com

  • Birthday bookings require at least 10 days lead time.

  • Changes may be made to bookings by contacting reception.icearena@gmail.com

  • Changes to Birthday Packages and Party Extras cannot be made after 5pm the Tuesday before your party, if changes are requested after this time these will incur the Fees for any Package modifications and Party Extras and may include an Administration Fee.

  • A booking confirmation will be sent within 7 days prior to your party to reconfirm your booking details. Please respond to this email.

  • The Birthday Booking Deposit must be paid to secure your booking. Until this is received the session will still be advertised as available.

  • Please only pay the Birthday Booking Deposit once a date and session for your party has been confirmed by our team. If you pay the Birthday Booking Deposit prior to receiving confirmation from our team you acknowledge we may not have your first and second party date preferences available.

  • If lower than expected numbers arrive on the day and the Ice ArenA has not been notified by 5pm the Tuesday before your party, you understand that the package has been prepared for final numbers booked and is expected to be paid for.

  • If more than expected numbers arrive on the day and the Ice ArenA has not been notified by 5pm the Tuesday before your party, you understand that you will be required to pay the full price for party guest admission regardless that some items may not be available at short notice.

  • The balance of the Birthday Booking is due on the day of your party, before your party commences. Please arrive early to complete this at the Reception desk.

  • The Ice ArenA has a 7 Business Day Cancellation Policy for Birthday Bookings. Cancellations made after 5pm Friday the week before the Birthday Booking date are non-refundable and your deposit will be forfeit.

  • Cancellations made more than 7 business days before the party will be entitled to a refund of the Birthday Booking Deposit.

  • No outside food or drink is allowed into the Ice ArenA, except for:

    • Birthday Cake, when part of a Birthday Party Package

    • Allergy Safe Foods when prearranged with the Ice ArenA. Please refer to the No Outside Food or Drink section of our General Conditions

  • If children with allergies are attending Birthday Parties, please notify staff at the earliest time known to discuss options.

  • A time for your food will be allocated on the day, and announced over the PA system when ready. The time cannot be changed as we have multiple parties scheduled at the same time.

  • We provide plates, cutlery, and napkins for meals and for Birthday Cake, including BYO Cake. We do not provide candles, however, you can borrow a lighter should you wish to bring your own.

  • Other food and drinks from our regular menu can be purchased on the day of the party from our café.

  • The Public Skate Rules outlined above apply to School & Community Groups.

  • The Ice ArenA requires anyone participating on the on-ice activities must wear Long Pants. We highly recommend everyone entering the venue to wear long sleeves, warm layers, thick socks, gloves and beanies as the average temperature in the venue is 10 degrees Celsius.

  • It is highly recommended that School & Community Groups spend no more than 2 hours on the ice.

  • School & Community Groups are highly encouraged to have one teacher or supervisor on the ice per 10 children.

  • By booking you agree to the General Conditions outlined above.

  • Bookings must be placed at minimum 7 days in advance.

  • A minimum booking for 25 participants is required.

  • Approximate numbers for bookings are required to place your booking. Final numbers are confirmed on the day of your booking prior to your session, please ensure you arrive 15 minutes early to sort your account at Reception.

  • If the number of skaters increases or decreases by 10 or more, you agree to advise us at least 3 business days prior to your booking.

  • Variations to numbers by less than 10 within 3 days of the booking can be accommodated and the final bill will be adjusted accordingly, however you accept that some items may not be available at short notice.

  • If the final numbers on the day of the booking have decreased by more than 10 and The Ice ArenA has not been notified at least 3 business days prior, you understand that the package has been prepared for final numbers booked and is expected to be paid for.

  • If the final numbers on the day of the booking have increased by more than 10 and The Ice ArenA has not been notified at least 3 business days prior, you understand that you will be required to pay the full price for the extra admissions regardless that some items may not be available at short notice.

  • Payment methods accepted include: cash, EFTPOS, credit card, and bank transfer.

  • Payment by cash, EFTPOS or credit card is due on the day prior to the session. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete your booking at Reception.

  • Schools & Community Groups can choose to pay by invoice and must provide a purchase order number.

  • Invoices have 14 day terms and can be paid by direct transfer.

  • Invoices are provided from the accounts team at head office after the booking day.

  • If pre-ordering lunches from the café, the order must be placed at least 10 business days prior to the booking.

  • Alterations to lunch orders within 10 business days of the booking cannot be guaranteed, however, The Ice ArenA will do our best to accommodate them.

  • The Ice ArenA must be notified of any cancellations with a minimum 3 business days notice.

  • Cancellations within 3 business days, or failure to notify The Ice ArenA of a cancellation, may result in a Cancellation Fee.


It is a condition of entry and continuing entry that you:

  • Respect the personal and professional rights of others.

  • Respect the Ice ArenA’s property and the property of others.

  • Conduct yourself in a positive and professional manner, understand that all users of the Ice ArenA have equal right and opportunity to do so.

The Ice ArenA may change or vary these rules and conditions at any time without notice.

Basic Rules

  • Sign in at the front office and scan your Membership Card for each session before stepping onto the ice. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in being asked to leave the Ice ArenA.

  • Each session as listed on the practice timetable is a separate session requiring 1 entry pass per session.

  • Coaches must not coach more than a maximum of 3 students at any given time during the rink operated figure skating sessions. Any group/s may only have a maximum of 3 skaters and no more than 2 skaters may link.

  • No breakable containers are allowed rink side or on the barrier. Drinks are allowed on or below the barrier (in the hockey pockets). Food is not permitted near the barrier or on the ice.

  • Please pick up all belongings (including dirty tissues, water cups, bottles, etc.) at the end of each session. Leave the Ice ArenA better than you found it.

  • Parents, guardians, spectators, coaches and other skaters who are not participating in the skating session should not loiter at the barrier, benches or gates. This is unsafe and it interferes with a constructive training session.

  • Coaching by parents from the bleachers, benches, barriers or gates is not allowed at any time. Parents will be asked to wait in the café if this happens.

  • The chairs by the ice are to be used by the skaters and coaches only. Hockey boxes are for coaches and officials ONLY, no other Skaters are permitted.

  • If skaters must talk to someone off the ice, they need to get off the ice to do so or the skater will be asked to leave the ice.

Safety Specific Rules

  • It is important for everyone’s safety that all skaters stay aware of other skaters on the ice. Try to anticipate their patterns as you decide your own pattern.

  • The maximum number of skaters will be allowed on each session aligned to ice surface capacity from a safety perspective.

  • If you are a less experienced skater, please be extra careful to stay aware of other skaters and to look ahead of where you are skating to see what others are doing or are about to do. The small ice is available for less experienced skaters.

  • If you are an experienced skater, please be patient with the less experienced skaters. Remember – you were new to figure skating sessions at one time, too.

  • Please be understanding if someone gets in your way. If you accidently get in someone’s way or there is a collision, please ensure you apologise and check to see if the other skater is okay.

  • When the small or medium ice surface is available all skaters at the Aussie Skate Intermediate 2 level and below must skate on this surface rather than the large ice surface unless having a private lesson.

  • Do not stop in the middle of the ice or any of the jumping corners. Loitering or socialising on the ice is not permitted.

  • Remember to look both ways before leaving the barrier or skating across the ice.

  • Shoes are absolutely not allowed on the ice at any time. All skaters participating in the session including coaches must be in skates while on the ice.

  • The last person off the Ice is responsible for closing any gates.

  • Hockey Box gates are to remain closed at all times.

Right of Way Rules

  • The skater doing a routine to music has the right of way. Fluro yellow vests are to be worn to help identify the skater whose music is being played. Please stay aware of which skater is doing his or her routine and do your best to stay clear of his or her pattern. Please wear the vest when you play your music to help other skaters know you are skating your routine. Please note a maximum of 2 skaters may have a fluro vest on at any one time.

  • Skaters taking a lesson have the right of way over general skaters in the session.

  • Skaters on the harness also have the right of way. Please be careful of the harness area.

  • Coaches who are coaching have right of way.


  • The Rink Music system will be used to play skaters music, you will need a tag to operate, these can be purchased from the front desk. Coach Tags are to be used by Coaches only.

  • Not everyone will be able to play their music on full sessions due to lengths of programs.

  • Coaches may use their coach tag to bump the music of the student they are currently teaching ONLY. Coaches cannot bump music for skaters outside of their lessons.

  • Please do not stop and restart your music if others are waiting in line.

  • Music files must not be doubled up for repeated play.

  • Please handle the music equipment with extreme care.

  • The use of personal sound speakers is not permitted.

  • For Choreography purposes a mobile phone maybe used to play music by Coaches.

  • Skating with headphones/earbuds on is prohibited except for Virtual Coaching (see Virtual Coaching below).

Prohibited Behaviour

  • Kicking, digging holes, scraping or stomping the ice with your blades and kicking the barrier are prohibited. Anyone engaging in this behavior first be expected to assist in filling holes and may be asked to leave the Ice ArenA immediately after and may not be able to return for a period of time.

  • Being verbally abusive or aggressive to anyone is prohibited. Anyone engaging in this behavior will be asked to leave the Ice ArenA immediately and may not be able to return for a period of time.

  • Deliberately challenging, scaring, intimidating or intentionally blocking another skater or coach is prohibited. Anyone engaging in this behavior will be asked to leave the Ice ArenA immediately and my not be able to return for a period of time.

  • The use of inappropriate language and language of a profanity or discriminatory nature is strictly prohibited, should anyone engage this language they will be asked to leave the Ice ArenA immediately and may not be able to return for a period of time.

  • Videotaping anyone other than your own skater is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Anyone engaging in this behavior will be asked to leave the Ice ArenA for an indefinite period of time.

  • Overall the Ice ArenA strives to be a positive and professional business who operates a safe environment and requires all users to do the same.

Resolution of Problems & Issues

  • Should a problem arise it is recommended that you attempt to mutually resolve the problem with the involved relevant parties, should this not be achievable you may choose to redirect the matter to one of the following bodies:

  • SAPSA for any coach related matters (www.sa.apsa.net.au)

  • SAISA for any skater related matters (www.saisa.org.au)

  • Ice ArenA Management for any rink operations, parent, guardian or spectator matters (www.icearena.com.au)

Admittance & Clearing of the Ice

  • You must only access the ice as per the scheduled times. Unless directed by an Ice ArenA employee, early admittance is not allowed.

  • When the ice-resurfacer horn sounds, all skaters and coaches must leave the ice immediately. If you are skating to your music, please stop skating immediately, turn off music and clear the ice, failure to do so may result in not being able to return to figure skating sessions.

  • Skaters must not return to the ice until the ice-resurfacer gate has been closed and the Duty Manager has opened the skater entry gate.

  • At the end of your skate or the session please ensure you fill any toe jump holes you may have made. A bucket of snow, puck and water bottle will be available near the entry door.

Virtual Coaching

  • In 2022 the Ice ArenA will begin trialing Virtual Coaching and may choose to continue, cancel or prohibit Virtual Coaching at any time.

  • Virtual Coaching is limited to the advertised Sessions only and on the Medium Ice rink only.

  • Students participating in Virtual Coaching lessons must pay the appropriate fee.

  • Only 4 Students participating in Virtual Coaching are allowed per applicable Session and must split themselves and remain as much as possible in their own corner.

  • General Student overflow from the Large Ice will be allowed on the Medium Ice but only up to 10 skaters inclusive during these Sessions.

  • Students participating in Virtual Coaching on the Medium Ice must wear a fluro yellow vest and will have right of way.

  • Only ONE Headphone/earbuds can be used so the skater may remain aware of their surroundings.

  • These terms may change at any time at the Ice ArenA management’s discretion.


The Ice ArenA is the co-lessee and operator of the ice skating facility located at 23 James Congdon Drive Thebarton SA, herein referred to as Ice ArenA.
The Ice ArenA under its lease, insurance and general obligations aims to provide a safe and secure facility to its invited patrons and may set and manage permit or licence and other requirements for certain Prescribed Activities.
The conduct of Private Figure Skating Lessons by independent Coaches is a Prescribed Activity and requires a current Ice ArenA Independent Coaching Permit to be held by the Coach.
The Ice ArenA offers two types of Coaching Permits; one for ‘In-Residence’ Coaching Permits for local coaches who have been evaluated by The Ice ArenA management, and one for ‘Temporary’ Coaching Permits for visiting and guest coaches. For more information on Coaching Permits, please email deb@icearena.au