black white and red nike shoes
black white and red nike shoes
person playing hockey
person playing hockey
Stick & Puck

Stick & Puck sessions are ice sessions allotted to free practice of ice hockey skills. Work on your skating technique, puck handling or train with a buddy (or find one in the session) to work on other game play tactics.


Stick & Puck sessions are open to all current or aspiring hockey players.


Everything you need to play and practice ice hockey including all the minimum protective gear as required by IHSA/IHA for your age and gender, pucks are in use during these sessions.


Stick & Puck sessions are run throughout the year and some will be advertised last minute if there is free ice time. Regularly check this page and follow us on social media to keep up to date. You can also enquire with any of our team who are hockey players.

Shinnies are informal games of ice hockey, like a scratch match. This allows players to practice or play for fun outside of the main competition as well as work on skills. It’s a great place to get feedback from different players and work on your game, or meet players from local leagues where you are hoping to draft.


Anyone can play in a Shinny that is suitable for their age and level. You’ll find details of this on the booking page.


Be sure to bring all of your hockey gear and a light and dark jersey. Unfortunately, we cannot supply gear, but we have hockey skates for hire if required.


Shinnies are run throughout the year and many will be last minute if there is unbooked ice time. Regularly check this page and follow us on social media to keep up to date. You can also enquire with any of our team who are hockey players as often they’re part of group chats which arrange last minute shinnies.

Small Ice (3v3 Shinnies)

  • Players $10 per session | Limit 20

  • Goalies $5 per session | Limit 2

Small Ice Only

  • $10 per session


Large Ice

  • $20 per session

  • $175 for a 10-sessions pass

Book below via TryBooking.

Note For Small Ice only Stick & Puck, those with a 10-session pass can use it for 2 Small Ice sessions.


Large Ice

  • Players $20 per session | Limit 30

  • Goalies $5 per session | Limit 2

Please book online to confirm your spot as places are limited, and we want to be sure there will be a Goalie to make the most of the game for everyone else.

Note that if there are not enough Goalies the Shinny players can choose to adjust the play accordingly or the session will revert to a Stick & Puck so you can still practice.